We get a lot of questions from people interested in learning more about our project. We have tried to capture the most frequently-asked questions (FAQs) here. Please check back often for updated information.

What kind of supportive housing are you planning to provide?

Our community, Crossbridge Point, will be a neurodiverse neighborhood of affordable, supportive homes located in a safe and secure setting designed for the needs and aspirations of adults with developmental or intellectual disabilities.

What is included in your continuum of learning opportunities?

Our programming is designed to help enable individuals with developmental/intellectual disabilities access transportation, enhance their social skills, integrate better with the community and improve their independent living skills. The programming also includes sessions for families, support providers and others in the community. In addition, there are educational offerings, possibly provided in partnership with other organizations.

Where are you planning to build your community?

We are evaluating several sites in the Whitestown, IN area.

When do you plan to open?

We don’t yet have a specific timetable, but our goal is to open in the next 3-5 years.

Are adults with developmental or intellectual disabilities telling you what they want you to build for them?

Yes, they are, in fact, we have three self-advocates who are full voting members on our board of directors and have formed a Self Advocate and Family Advisory Council.

How are the voices of adults with developmental or intellectual disabilities being authentically included in your planning?

Before we began planning the Crossbridge Point community, we organized our Self Advocate and Family Advisory Council to inform and guide us on what adults with developmental or intellectual disabilities need and want for safe, supportive, affordable housing, and what they want for learning and enrichment opportunities. ILADD also has three self-advocates who are full voting members on our board of directors and we have self-advocates serving on ILADD committees.