ILADD Relationship Class:
Registration will be limited to the first 12 self-advocates who register for this event.
Meets on Tuesdays from 6:30-8:00 between January 24 and March 14 (8 weeks session).
Dates: 1/24, 1/31, 2/7, 2/14, 2/21, 2/28, 3/7, and 3/14
This class is being offered in collaboration with Down Syndrome Indiana. Michele Gray will be the lead instructor in this session. The class uses the CIRCLES curriculum to teach the types of TALK, TOUCH, and TRUST we have with the people around us. The class is heavily focused on teaching social and communication skills helpful when interacting with others, identifying appropriate interactions to remain safe within our homes and the community, and identifying personal boundaries and how we can build relationships and develop friendships. This curriculum involves video modeling examples, small group instruction and discussion, hands-on activities, many visuals, manipulatives, and worksheets.
**Participants are encouraged to attend all of the dates within this session as the material is cumulative and each week builds on information taught in previous classes within the session.
Registration: Required by emailing Michele at and must sign and submit our Release and Waiver of Liability, Medical Authorization, and Code of Conduct forms.