Date and Time: Sunday, August 15th at 1:00 p.m. at Fort Harrison State Park.
Location: 6000 North Post Road, Indianapolis, IN, 46216 Fort Harrison State Park has some very nice trails and the park is conveniently located on the northeast side of Indianapolis.
REGISTRATION REQUIRED. The hike will be limited to the first 20 registrants. Register by emailing us at of your intent to go on the hike by August 12th. If you have not previously completed the registration forms for the ILADD Hiking Club, you must complete and submit those forms by August 12th. For registration information and forms, please contact ILADD at or call (765-426-7175). There is no ILADD fee for this hike.
Directions: The entrance to Fort Harrison State Park is on North Post Road (take the 56th Street exit off of I-465 on the eastside of Indianapolis, proceed east on 56th Street to Post Road, turn left and proceed north on Post Road). Turn left onto Shafter Road and you will come to the park’s Gatehouse. You will need to pay a park entry fee ($7 per vehicle, if you would like to be reimbursed by ILADD please get a receipt and give it to Tom Easterday). Then proceed on Shafter Road to Clark Road. Turn right onto Clark Road past the Cherry Tree Picnic Area to the Delaware Lake Picnic Area. Park in the parking lot for the Delaware Lake Picnic Area and we will meet there. If anyone needs a ride, let us know.
We will be hiking for about two hours (approximately three miles). The trails are rated as easy and moderate and are relatively flat. The trees are a lot greener than they were in March when we last hiked at Fort Harrison State Park. It is too early for an extended weather forecast, although the average mid-August high temperature in Indiana is in the 80’s. Be sure to watch the weather a few days before the hike for the actual forecast and dress accordingly.
ILADD Hiking Club is recommended for adults with developmental/intellectual disabilities who can walk at least 2-3 miles, up and down hills, on uneven ground. All hikers should bring their own water bottle and mask. It is recommended that everyone bring a change of shoes and socks for after the hike because it may get muddy if it rains within a day or two prior to the hike. Also, make sure to bring a hat and jacket if cool or rainy weather conditions are forecast, or a hat and sunscreen if sunny weather is forecast.
COVID-19 Precautions: Although masks are optional outdoors, we will generally be social distancing before, during, and after the hike. Please do not participate if you have a fever or any symptoms of COVID-19 or have been exposed to anyone with COVID-19 within the 14 days immediately prior to the hike. We recommend that anyone participating in the hike has been vaccinated.